Game Review: Spider-man (2018)

Before we start, I would like to get this out of the way: This game really makes you FEEEEEEEEEEEL like Spider-Man. On a more serious note, Spider-Man (2018) is an excellent game, through and through. From the somewhat simple yet epic opening to an expected but memorable ending, Spider-Man (2018) was a blast. I found myself appreciating almost every aspect of the game and wished the game was longer than the roughly 20 hours it took to finish. I'll start with the feature every single reviewer including myself loved: the webslinging. Using webs to move about the city was fun and exciting. While I'll admit that even towards the end of the game I still didn't have a perfect grasp on the mechanics of it, we slinging felt so satisfying and peaceful. I know many people may not be happy but one thing I really liked was the lack of fall damage. It may not be realistic but getting back up immediately after falling down didn't ruin the experience for me. However, I'm ...