A Simple Music Review: Metronomy

Electronic music has had its fair share of criticism and that's understandable. Some may say it is soulless and noisy. But during my carpool days, I found that there are numerous artists who can make electronic music which is joyful, emotional and catchy. Metronomy is one band who excels in making such music. Metronomy originally started with Joseph Mount, his cousin Oscar Cash and school friend Gabriel Stebbing. They released their first album, Pip Paine (Pay the £5000 you owe) back in 2006. Despite starting their career, I hold no love for it. I found the album too strange. It just wasn't enjoyable for me at all. I'm sure most people agree with me since it's the only album that is not available on the Google play store and it has very few views on YouTube, thereby indicating it's lack of popularity. The only song worth mentioning is 'You Could Easily Have Me' and even that has a really messed up music video. Fortunately for them, the only direction...